Frequently asked questions answered here


I am selling a lot in Harbour Pointe and understand that I must provide a RESALE CERTIFICATE to the buyer. How should I proceed?

Virginia law requires that when reselling a unit or lot in a common interest community, the unit/lot owner must provide a potential purchaser with certain legally required information regarding the development, common elements/area, and the association. The Virginia Resale Disclosure Act (§ 55.1- 2307, et seq.) calls the legally required information a resale certificate. The resale certificate must be requested by the seller, prepared by the association, and delivered to the potential purchaser. Instructions and a form for requesting delivery of a resale certificate are on the Association Documents page.


What should I know about the covenants and architectural standards as an owner or purchaser of a lot in Harbour Pointe?

The covenants and architectural standards apply to all owners of lots in Harbour Pointe and set standards for construction of homes and other improvements on lots and set binding limits on lot owners’ activities within the development. They must be furnished to the purchaser of a lot before settlement. Non-lot specific documents are published on the Association Documents page.



the gate to the pool house and dryland boat and RV storage area has two padlocks. I have a key that works in only one of the locks. Why multiple locks?

The pool and storage areas are for use only by lot owners and their guests, not the general public. For that reason, lot owners are furnished a key for access to the pool, tennis courts, and dryland boat and RV storage areas. The padlock used by Harbour Pointe residents is the one with the long shackle and the post.

The other lock is used by companies such as Northern Neck Electrical Cooperative and SignaWave so they may maintain and repair equipment.

When locking the gate, attach the last unattached link to the HP padlock shackle as is shown in the picture. This allows the lock to be tilted up, making unlocking easier.


may I fish from the hack creek jetty?

No. The jetty is located on private property. Those who want to fish may do so from boats or sandbars in Hack Creek or the river.


where may lot owners set up on the potomac river beach?

Harbour Pointe lot owners and guests may set up on the beach in the common area—that part of the beach in front of the boardwalk and gazebos on the development’s nature path.



how old must children be to use the pool alone?

The HPHA Board, with significant input from lot owners, established a policy that children below the age of 16 may not use the pool unless accompanied by an adult.


there is beaver damage on my lot. will the Association take care of this?

No. The Association is only responsible for trapping beavers in common areas.

The Board will address common area beaver damage as a maintenance issue with notice to Association members’ email addresses of record before traps are set and when trapping is completed.


What are the arrangements for snow removal and other road maintenance in Harbour Pointe?

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) maintains all roads in Harbour Pointe with the exception of two culs-de-sac—Witch Duck Court and Witch Duck Circle—which are a responsibility of the Association. When VDOT plows the roads in Harbour Pointe after a snow, the chair of the maintenance committee will determine whether a contractor must be hired to plow the culs-de-sac.

As a general matter, the culs-de-sac will be plowed automatically by the Association when snow accumulation is 6" or more. If VDOT does not plow the roads that it maintains, the chair of the maintenance committee will independently determine whether plowing is needed or needs for ingress and egress can be met through neighborly assistance, .e.g., a truck or car, making tracks. The maintenance committee chair’s determination will balance conservation of resources and need.


Where do i find association budgets, meeting agendas, and meeting minutes?

HPHA operational and on-going governance documents, such as the budget and meeting minutes, are private to HPHA members and are available on a separate server. If you are an HPHA member and have forgotten how to access these documents, email

what do i need to know about storms and flooding?

The association does not provide advice to individual lot owners about homeowner and flood insurance or what actions to take during a storm. We can point out, however, the state’s Know Your Zone (#knowyourzone, (desktop/laptop and mobile friendly) or call 211) evacuation plan related to hurricanes and tropical storms. Learn more in the video below.


Updated: August 22, 2023