Board and Committees

The Harbour Pointe Homeowners Association Board of Directors is the five-member body elected by association members to represent the entirety of the community when making decisions about the present and future of the 74-lot development.

In addition to being responsible to the membership, the association, and particularly members of the Board, must adhere to the Covenants, by-laws, Virginia Property Owners' Association Act, and Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act as well as any number of laws and regulations not related to HOAs.


Board of Directors


The standing committees are:

  • Monitors the statutorily-required Capital Reserve Fund and associated records and ensure the Association's insurance is adequate. The Treasurer is an ex officio a member of the Capital Reserve Committee.

    Specifically, the committee:

    • At least every five years studies "the necessity and amount of reserves required to repair, replace and restore the capital components"

    • Annually reviews the five-year study to "determine if reserves are sufficient"

    • Annually prepares for the Treasurer "(t)he current estimated replacement cost, estimated remaining life and estimated useful life of the capital components"

    • Prepares a "general statement describing the procedures used for the estimation and accumulation of cash reserves pursuant to this section and the extent to which the association is funding its reserve obligations consistent with the study currently in effect."

    • Requests an annual contribution from the Association's operating budget

    • Meets with the Treasurer annually to ensure HPHA's insurance is adequate

    • Annually reviews the POA for changes to the capital reserve section

    • Participates in the disclosure package request compilation process

  • Manage and update the principles and implementation strategies contained in the Environmental Stewardship Policy, located on the HPHA website at:

    Specifically, the committee:

    • Advises the board on policies as set forth in periodically produced reports

    • Advises the board on guidelines and changes in budgeting and maintenance of common area assets appropriate to implement Best Management Practices

    The continuing landscaping duties of the merged committees are to maintain the plantings in the common areas of Harbour Pointe and partner with other committees on community work days.

    Specifically, the committee:

    • Maintains the plants at key intersections: two main entrances (Witch Duck Lane and Beach Point Drive), sign at Mob Neck and Greenwood Beach Road, and entrances to nature path

    • Maintains plants at the pool house

    • Maintains plants on the beach and around the dunes

    • Works with the Maintenance Committee on phragmites and any other invasive plant removal deemed necessary

    • Works with the Maintenance Committee on the dunes, specifically maintaining vegetation

    • Works with the Maintenance Committee to identify projects for work days

  • Maintain the common areas for the benefit of the HPHA community.

    Specifically, the commitee:

    • Ensures the common areas are maintained, whether by members or contractors, including but not limited to:

      • Determining if snow removal is required in non-VDOT plowed streets

      • Ensuring the safety of built structures (docks, gazebos, boardwalk, fences)

      • Removing downed trees and debris

      • Ensuring the pond overflow pipe is adequately functional

      • Maintaining contact with VDOT regarding road condition and drainage ditches and culverts

      • Controlling beavers and other invasive mammals in common areas

      • Maintaining community signs

      • Limbing up trees in areas where lawn maintenance company mows

      • Controlling weeds in the pool/boat lots

      • Maintaining the tennis courts

      • Maintaining the dune in collaboration with the Landscaping Committee

      • Maintaining the beach

      • Maintaining the groins

    • Serves as point of contact with company for common area mowing

    • Maintains pond health, including managing lily pads and working with the Landscaping Committee on phragmites and any other invasive plant removal deemed necessary

    • Organizes bi-annual work days, coordinating with Landscaping Committee and Pool Committee

  • Publish The Eagle every two months.

    Specifically, the committee:

    • Writes articles, designs or finds artwork, lays out newsletter

    • Shares the newsletter with the Secretary of the Board of Directors for publication on the website

  • Maintain the community swimming pool and pool house.

    Specifically, the committee:

    • Prepares the pool and pool house for opening and closing

    • Checks the chemical balance and water levels twice a week during the season (mid-May – September)

    • Contracts with pool maintenance company for periodic water quality checks and equipment maintenance

    • During the off-season, checks the water and removes accumulated water from pool cover

    • Orders pool-related chemicals, pool covers, chairs, tables, umbrellas

    • Maintains the entire pool house building, including but not limited to the plumbing systems

    • Coordinates with the Landscaping Committee regarding plantings around the pool house

  • Identify lot owners to serve on the Board of Directors.

    Specifically, the committee

    • Conveys to candidates board member roles and responsibilities and time commitments conveyed

    • Identifies lot owners interested in serving on the HPHA Board of Directors

    • Prepares advertisement for the newsletter and website

  • Provide opportunities for the community to gather and supports lot owners as owners want and need.

    Specifically, the committee:

    • Provides refreshments at the annual meeting

    • Provides snacks for community work days

    • Assists with resident welcomes and farewells, as needed

    • Coordinates services for members in need, when requested

    • Sends condolence cards, as needed