The Association

All lot owners are members of the Harbour Pointe Homeowners Association, Inc. (HPHA, Association). Each lot has one vote no matter the number of owners of a particular lot.

The Association is governed by an elected, all volunteer Board of Directors and operates through the board and committees.

HPHA has a Member-Board Email Discussion list and all members of the association may join. To join, send an email to with the following information: Your first and last names, email you want to be added to the list, and Section-Lot number.

2025 Annual Meeting

The Annual Membership meeting is scheduled for August 16, 2025 (time and place to be announced)


maintaining the property

In 2001, the Association took title to the common areas designated in Delmarva Properties' Harbour Pointe development plan. Since then, HPHA has been responsible for maintenance, repair, and replacement of the common area improvements. These functions are financed through an annual budget and a capital reserve fund. In addition, the Association has responsibility for maintaining the look and feel of the community as articulated in the covenants.

Work Day Fall 2017

Work Day Fall 2017

To minimize expenses and reinforce the sense of community, HPHA encourages lot owners to volunteer in the spring and fall at community work days and throughout the year in various ways. The pool and pool house, for example, are largely maintained by lots owners who voluntarily clean the pool and perform basic maintenance. Common areas which are landscaped are maintained by a dedicated team of residents.


residents working around harbour pointe, 2017-2018


American Beachgrass planting, 2018

Landscape Committee chair Dee Leavy organized the annual beachgrass planting day in January 2018. Several residents made quick work of planting the grass.

Beachgrass planting.png

"Many hands make light work" (John Heywood)

The call went out in the fall of 2017 for volunteers to install sand fencing on the beach in the common area. HPHA residents stepped up!